EXHIBITIONS: From the Streets to the FIAC

28 Oct

FIAC 2013Paris has been buzzing with its annual FIAC art fair, gathering high-profile groups of contemporary art collectors, museum curators and international dealers, and even winning international recognition through its rigorous selection process.  Lala Drona followers were proud to have seen prints of the artist’s work exhibited this year by renowned galleries from around the world. Lala at FIAC The artist herself visited the fair on Sunday, and although she seemed slightly unamused, she agreed to pose for some photographs in front of her work.Lala at FIAC

Even stranger, the artist was spotted on the streets with originals of the same work exhibited at the FIAC.  She was first spotted setting up canvases in a busy metro station in the center of Paris, but quickly moved shop to appear in another metro station with fellow artist Dean James Lovett.  The two put on a metro exhibition, laughing over beers and presenting their work.  When beers were finished, they closed up shop and moved outside.Lala/Dean Metro Show

Viewer Lala and Dean set up their operation outside the Centre Pompidou where they shared champagne with passerbys and invited them to attend their “art opening.”  Marie Formi a witness to the scene commented on the show, “C’est le veritable art. (It’s real art)” she said. Many others commented on the artists’ show saying the artists would go far.

Although many enjoyed Lala’s street vernissage, critics were not amused with the stunt.  “It’s actually quite tasteless to have her prints selling at the FIAC for thousands, while she stands in the street and sells the originals for next to nothing,” says critic William Stockman from the British Contemporary Art Guild.  “It’s quite the slap in the face for the galleries that have supported her over the years.”Lala in the streets

So what exactly is Lala trying to say with this stunt?  Is she pulling a Banksy to make a statement or is she aimlessly continuing her art and rock and roll lifestyle?  Perhaps we will just have to wait and see what else this young artist has got up her sleeve.

Samantha Craig, Faux Pas Magazine

4 Responses to “EXHIBITIONS: From the Streets to the FIAC”

  1. Bob Walser November 27, 2013 at 5:53 am #

    This urban artistic approach reminds me of a great film: “Un Homme Qui Dort”. Check it out: http://youtu.be/3TNurvWW4_0


  1. Lala makes a buck off a blast from the past | Based On A Fact - May 18, 2014

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