Archive | November, 2013
25 Nov

Lala ReadsBased on a Fact releases a recording of Lala Drona at her Upstairs at Duroc reading.

BREAKING NEWS: Lala Releases New Story

4 Nov

Lala Drona ReadingNews has broken that Lala Drona will release her new story “Dog Eat Dog” at a reading hosted by Paris’ own Upstairs at Duroc.  Upstairs at Duroc is a Paris literary journal that publishes “innovative writing from both established and emerging writers from around the world”. Lala will be among three of the writers chosen for the event.  Based on a Fact wouldn’t miss the chance to cover Lala’s first reading in Paris, so we’ll be there.  It’s an open invitation, so come see Lala and the release of her anticipated new story November 21st, 7pm at:

Berkley Books of Paris
8 Rue Casimir Delavigne  
75006 Paris, France 
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